experience designer / game designer / writer

Time Run: The Celestial Chain

A sprawling game across time and space, to stop an ancient force from unweaving the threads of history. This was the second game for “Time Run,” set in the same sprawling universe as the first. For more information about the company, please click here.

Project: Time Run: The Celestial Chain, (2016-2017)


Game Director/Designer: Designed and oversaw the execution of all puzzle and gameplay elements, managed the build and tech team to completion.

Writer: Scripted all game elements, including AV content. Created all in-world content and documents. Expanded the world bible and briefed and trained all FOH actors. 

Press for Time Run: “The Greatest Live Game London has ever seen,” - ***** Great Little Place, Time Out: Critic’s Choice. “Immersive Theatre meets Crystal Maze, but better!” - The Metro ***** - The Logic Escapes Me

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